Omotola Gets MTV Personality Of The Year Award Nomination and many gist

Omotola Gets MTV Personality Of The Year Award Nomination
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Nollywood actress, Omotola Jolade-Ekeinde is no doubt having it good for her especially after her Times magazine recognition. The beautiful mother of four has been nominated for the ‘Personality of the Year’ award at 2014 edition of the MTV Africa Music, which will take place on June 7 at the Durban International Convention Centre, South Africa

She was nominated alongside Chimamanda Adichie (Nigeria) Trevor Noah (South Africa), Lupita Nyong’o (Kenya) and Yaya Toure (Cote d’Ivoire).

The winners will be determined by the public’s voting.

Ice Prince: I Couldn't Complete My Academics Because Of School Fees
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Panshak Zama I popularly known as Ice Prince, who came to lime light with his hit track song "Oleku," has expressed gratitude to the turn around of things in his life.

According to Ice Prince, he said that he was never born poor, but life played hard on him when he lost is father in 1999 and mother in 2011.

"Actually, I have seen life in different forms because I wasn't born poor and I wasn't born rich. I lost my dad in 1999 and then things became different and my Mum also passed away in 2011. So life has not been easy. I could remember back then, I was sent out of school because of school fees but today, I thank God for who I am and where I am."

The 2009 Hennessy Artistry winner further said that though he had always wanted to be a Soldier, Lawyer or Doctor, but music actual paid of when he started mimicking other people's song.
 I Will Sign Another Artiste When P-Square Stops Singing--Jude Okoye
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Square records CEO, Jude Engees Okoye
Manager and elder brother of Peter and Paul Okoye of P-Square music group, Jude, has revealed why he won't sign any other artistes again.

You will recall that the first artiste signed by Square Records, May D, separated from P-Square in 2012 due to an 'irreconcilable difference', according to a signed statement by Jude in 2012.

In an recent interview, Jude disclosed that he will only sign another singer when the P-Square brothers stop singing.

Giving reasons for his stand, Jude said, "everyone that comes under this umbrella will start comparing.

"Let me give you an example, one of the issues we face is that, when you bring in an upcoming artiste who has not being invited to even play just one show and you have spent like N15million on that artiste without even signing like you said and the person wakes up to say he wants to have the car P-Square is driving, the house P Square is living in, then you’ll wonder like wait a minute, even if I have all these things and I give him, am I motivating him? Am giving him things that’ll make him hustle hard? If he has everything he wants will he still struggle?"

Kate Henshaw And UK Prime Minister David Cameron.
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Unlike our so called governors that you hardly see even in the office let alone at function to exchange pleasantries with.

But for our own Kate Henshaw, it’s wow to see her pose with the UK’s Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron.

The gorgeous actress, Kate, we learnt, ran into her at a café the last time she was in the UK and ceased the opportunity to take a picture with her. Well done girl!



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