Nicki Minaj Shows Off Her Natural Hair

Nicki Minaj Shows Off Her Natural Hair

Recently during a photo shoot at an undisclosed location, Nicki Minaj posted some raw, genuine behind-the-scenes pics on her Instagram.
Her face was half-beaten with makeup, revealing a beautiful natural
glow. But if that wasn't shocking enough, the star showcased her natural
hair, titling one of pictures "No perm. No extensions." Ah, we love it!
Perhaps Nicki is catching on to the #TeamNatural hair movement? Or, maybe she read EClark6's recent article on the do's and don'ts of flat-ironing naturally
curly hair. Regardless, this lady is freakin' gorgeous and likely
gained some more fans yesterday! We enjoy seeing this side of Nicki, and
can only hope for more embracing to come.
MORE: Elle Varner's New Straight, Blonde Hair
