ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE : Ebola victims in African village ‘rise from the dead’



Panic is spreading through the African community after reports that two of Ebola victims rose from being dead. The victims are both female, one was 40 and other was 60 years old. They were from two different villages in Liberia. The newspaper New Dawn Nimba County said that the deceased Doris Quoi, of Hope Village Community, and Ms Kebeh, in her late 60’s, were being prepared to be buried when they READ MORE AT THE CUT
mysteriously came back into the land of the living. This report is causing fear along with panic in those villages.


Villagers believe two female victims of the killer disease have been resurrected and are now walking among the living. Nimba County recently news of unusual cases of Ebola, where a doctor is derived from the seeds, who claims he can cure the infected victim died of his virus last week. Since the outbreak of Ebola in Nimba County, this is the first event of the revived dead victims, the newspaper said.


The Ebola outbreak has killed nearly 2,800 people in five countries in West Africa this year, while an estimated 5,800 people have been infected with the virus, which has no known cure. Respect for the American Center for Prevention and Control of the disease has been accounted for 1.4 million deadly Ebola case in late January.
