Interview with celebrity Stacey Monroe, One of the many celebrities fighting to raise awareness on gender dysphoria and transgenderism.

On Nora Gouma ModelOnAMission Magazine this week is a brilliant and young icon, Stacey Monroe. She has been bullied, harassed, and physically assaulted for being herself while growing up in Texas. Monroe is well-known for her fight to raise awareness about gender dysphoria, and transgenderism. She has given a voice to the many other transgender individuals throughout the world.
Monroe, who is only 20 years old, is one of the many behind this fight to raise awareness on the topic. She is currently working on a film about her story and life in transition. The film is read-more at the cut
still in the early production phases and there is no estimated date of completion. But in the meantime, she often blogs about many topics such as her emotional and physical challenges on this journey.
During an email interview, Monroe said, "I'm glad that people are moved by my willingness to openly share my story. There is much more to my agenda, but first I need to educate my very own community on the topic." In July, she was interviewed by Emmy Award winning reporter, Karen Falla, and the interview was featured on Univision 23 Nightly News. Her fight to raise awareness continues. She opened up to us in an interview below.
How was your childhood life?
When I was 8 months old, I was adopted by my grandmother and grandfather who since then raised me. Till this day, I call them both mom and dad. To be quite honest with you, I don't have much memories of my childhood. However, I do recall having to endure many hardships after my mom and dad got divorced in 2003.
When did you first think you might be transgender?
Well as a child I always imagined myself growing up and having a husband and children. I saw the future me as a woman. However, I was only a child and didn't know anything about transgenderism. As the years passed, I kept my inner feelings and thoughts to myself. Then, at age 14 I decided to come out and identify as gay. Eventually, as time passed at age 16 I found my true identity after conducting my own research. At that moment I determined that I had Gender Dysphoria.
At age 14 you identified as gay, but then years later you decided you were not gay. You determined you had gender dysphoria?
Correct. I was young and I really didn't understand my inner feelings. So, at age 14 I identified as gay. However, as the years passed I didn't see myself as a man with another man. I continued to see myself as a woman with a husband and children.
Can you explain to us what gender dysphoria is?
Yes indeed. Gender dysphoria is a conflict between a person's assigned gender and the gender he or she identifies with. For example, in my case I was assigned male at birth but actually feel like a girl. I hope I've explained it well.
What would you say to someone who doesn't know what being transgender means?
It's a very complex situation to explain to someone. But I'd tell them that everyone has a different story and struggles. There are some people with gender dysphoria who choose to transition without sex reassignment surgery. Some of the people who do have the surgery are privileged people and have access to things that others may not.
When did you come out to your family and friends?
Initially, I told Toni, my cousin, and soon after I started to tell my family and friends. Some were in disbelief, because I had previously came out as gay at age 14. Now, for transgender people to follow their feelings, drives, and impulses sounds like the easiest and most natural thing to do; but in the world nowadays, it is not easy at all. Society, our friends and families expect us to be something that perhaps we are not. They see us a certain way and they expect us to play along.
When did your start your transition?
I started my transition between the ages of 14 to 16. Yes, at around age 14 I came out as gay, but that didn't stop me from expressing my true identity. Eventually, I found out I wasn't gay and dressing feminine helped me feel better about myself.  Before I started my transition I was lost and didn't know where to turn to for help. I was unable to find resources and the very little resources were not much. Therefore, when a transgender person contacts me for advice I am happy to offer my personal advice.
Has your family and friends come around?
The battle to educate them continues till this day. They have shown a change and are always willing to learn more. I'm pleased with the efforts they have made to make me feel comfortable during my transition.
Can you tell us more about your film?
Well I can't go in to much details but the film is to be titled, Stacey's Story: Living with Gender Dysphoria. The previous film director didn't have a clear picture and decided to simply start production without having a storyboard. Therefore, Ulrich Sterling, the new film director, has joined the team and we are now in the early stages. Basically, we are still in the writing process and are working diligently to make sure this film has an impact in society. The film will share my struggles and how I have overcome obstacles.
When did you start to share your story?
I started to share my story sometime in July of 2013. I started by posting on my Facebook wall and eventually through my blog. Soon, I was featured in an interview on the RebootU radio show with Douglas Lancaster.
Why share your story with the public?
The reason I decided to share my story is to raise awareness by educating the public on the struggles transgender people face. Many transgender people are not open about their story because they fear for their safety. Previously, I had received death threats when I was a radio host for E! GEMZ! Radio! on the Blog Talk Radio network. Initially, I was reporting all the death threats to the authorities, but after so many I stopped making reports. However, one of the many death threats turned in to a true nightmare. On May 23rd, a male arrived at my home with a gun in his hand and I immediately took cover. While I hid in the hallway, I started to frantically call 9-1-1 and as the seconds passed I felt like my death was approaching. Irving PD arrived almost instantaneously, but the suspect had left by that time. The unidentified suspect is still at large till this day. I continue to share my story in the hopes of making it easy for other transgender people.
What are some issues that transgender people face?
Transgender people have daily access issues such as not being able to leave our home safely, not being able to walk out into the streets without being harassed, and not having affordable healthcare. We shouldn't be discriminated or physically attacked for simply being ourselves. There's many more issues that transgender people face that also need to be addressed.
Do you feel that by raising awareness and fighting for equality there will be more resources available for transgender people?
Yes. I feel that by raising awareness and fighting for equality there will be more available resources. Most of all insurances do not cover transgender health related expenses in their coverage, and if they do it's very costly. Therefore, if people like Janet Mock, Chaz Bono, Laverne Cox, and I continue to fight for equality there will definitely be an improvement.
Your blog has become quite popular these past few months. How does it feel to have an increasing number of readers?
Yes it has received a lot of traffic. My blog has been turning out to be very popular and I have had a lot of my readers write me saying that they are extremely proud of me. Some of my readers are quite shocked that at my age I am behind this movement of raising awareness about gender dysphoria and transgenderism.
What is your greatest achievement so far?
Well, sharing my story with the public has been one of my greatest achievements, especially in the Hispanic community. It feels so great to be able to touch someone and possibly change the views they previously had on transgender people. Recently, I was featured in a special segment on Univision 23, where I had the opportunity to share my story with the Hispanic community. This was definitely important to me because I feel that in order for me to continue my journey I need to educate the Hispanic community as well.
