Kathy Griffin Calls Out Nicki Minaj For a Booty Challenge

Kathy Griffin has called out Nicki Minaj for a challenge, involving booty, and even though we're not sure exactly what a booty challenge is, we definitely hope it goes viral like the ice bucket thing.

Talking to The Associated Press, Griffin said she's seen the Minaj's "Anaconda" video and it's "fantastic." Of course a lot of people have seen that booty bonanza of a video; it broke the Vevo record for most views in the first 24 hours this week with 35 million.

"It's a lot of boo-tay, and I would like to challenge Nicki to a boo-tay-off," Griffin said. "It's like the ice bucket challenge, but it doesn't have any charity associated with it at all.It's completely gratuitous."

Griffin, of course, has to be nuts to challenge Minaj to anything "boo-tay" related in any way, because, this:
