Web Hosting

Looking for a very good and reputable web hosting company, yes your search just end. Siteground.com is a here with a blast promo price that suite all your want and you can host on all platform e.g, WORDPRESS, JOOMLA, DRUPAL ETC.Below is what makes them different and better from others...

The results on this page are based on tests with real accounts on 12 of the most popular web hosts Compare to siteground... click here for more

We load websites faster!

Loading speed
  • Industry average loading time: 4,7 sec
  • Our loading time without cache: 1,7 sec
  • Our loading time with cache: 1,3 sec

We have used Pingdom to test the loading time of identical WordPress websites hosted on the 12 different hosting companies. The faster loading result for SiteGround was achieved with the SuperCacher switched on for the website. 

We can handle more traffic!


  • Industry average hits handled: 2852
  • Without cache we handle 3 times more: 8276
  • With cache we can handle: over 230 000


Apart from loading speed, we have tested how many hits can be successfully handled in two minutes by each of the 12 accounts with the same test WordPress website. The test was done with the help of the Siege testing and benchmark utility. The higher number of handled hits by SiteGround was achieved with the SuperCacher switched on for the website.


Hack Protection

We keep your site safe!

  • WordPress vulnerability: not patched by anyone
  • Joomla vulnerability: not patched by anyone
  • Both vulnerabilities: patched by SiteGround only

SiteGround All 12 Others
WP Touch  Patched VulnŠµrable
Joomla! VirtueMart Patched VulnŠµrable

We tested a WordPress and Joomla related vulnerabilities announce publicly more than a 1 month before the test. On all 12 tested hosts both vulnerability were still exploitable with no problem. At SiteGround both were patched on server level at SiteGround in up to 48 hours after their public announcement: WPTouch vulnerability patch and Virtuemart Vulnerability patch.
Account Isolation

We guard you from your neighbors

  • SiteGround was the first to apply isolation
  • 3 of the tested hosts still not isolated
  • 5 of the tested hosts could be better isolated 
SiteGround were the pioneers in applying effective account isolation mechanisms to the shared hosting environment. Nowadays, most of the shared hosts apply similar techniques but it is still possible to see an environment that is not properly isolated. 


We pick up immediately!
  • 4 companies had over 10 minutes wait time.
  • Only 2 other companies picked up immediately.
  • 90% of the hosts do not have non-US phone line.
When you call on the phone you usually have a pressing issue. Having your call picked up immediately is really important. Unfortunately this does not happened everywhere. 


We solve the issue in 5 minutes!
  • 2 of the tested companies have no chat support!
  • Avg. wait time on chat before pick up: 10 min.
  • Avg resolution: 21 min.
  • Only 4 hosts solved the issue in under 10 minutes
We contacted the LiveChat of the 12 tested companies and SiteGround with one and the same simple request and recorded how much time was need for the issue resolution including the wait time before the chat was picked up.


Our first reply is in 8 minutes!
  • Average Industry first reply near 8 hours.
  • Only 2 companies are below 1 hour.
  • No other company is below 10 minutes!

We resolve more issues faster!

  • Only SiteGround and 4 other companies resolved all the three issues.
  • Average industry resolution time: 11 hours.
  • iteGround average resolution time: 31 minutes.
General WP Joomla AVG resolved
SiteGround 31 min
Host 1 55 min
Host 2 6h 20min
Host 3 10h 45min
Host 4 24h 90min
Host 5 3h 30min
Host 6 6h 30min
Host 7 9h 10min
Host 8 18h 30min
Host 9 47min
Host 10 37h
Host 11 n/a
Host 12 n/a

We asked each company 3 questions over their ticketing systems: one general, one WordPress related and one Joomla related. We averaged the first response time and the resolution times for each company base on these three questions.Check them out here
With this illustration i believe you are convince and know know that it not just a child play at site ground they really mean business and pay prior attention to your money and satisfaction
